Now I'm going to talk about my last vacation in Pichidangui.
I went to Pichidangui with Felipe (my best friend) and two of his friends: Javiera and René. We decided to go in January for a complete week.
Those days we got up so late and we went to the beach almost every day. We used to play cards at night and told histories and funny things till 4 or 5 a.m, the nights were really nice. Some days we did things that we didn't use to do the other days. For example, one day we decided to cross the whole beach because we wanted to visit "The Quintrala's Cave", we walked so much and the worst was that we didn't have food or water! It was really awful, and that's not all!, the cave was so ugly and it wasn't like Felipe told us it was. But everything wasn't so bad, meanwhile we walked to the cave we took like 100 pictures! and most of them were so beautifull. When we finally turn back to the beach we ate the most delicious cheese "empanada" in the world!. It has so cheese that makes me want to eat one of them when I remember it!
There I met a little more Javiera and René. I met them before, but they have never been my friends, so in Pichidangui we met each other better.
The weather was so nice, just the last days turned awful. But the first days were so sunny, that days we spent the whole afternoon in the beach.
I would never forget about my vacations is the never-ending walk to Quintrala's cave. I also would never forget the most delicious "conejitos" that I've ever eaten, that cheese "empanada" and that great days with them.